Thursday, December 11, 2008

my life consisting of...

Here's what I do on a daily basis.

I wake up anywhere between 11:30 and 1:30.
I put clothes on.
I go pee.
I make myself some lunch, lately consisting of some sort of noodle.
I watch TV with my Mom while she talks on the phone.
I check all my accounts online (Mail, MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, US Bank. In that order).
Check various sites for new info (MacRumors, YouTube, Craigslist, Apple)
I look to see if there's anybody I want to talk to on MSN & AIM.
More TV & general computer business, usually at the same time.
Argue with my Mom about something trivial.
More TV.
Figure what to have/where to go for dinner.
Eat dinner, while watching more TV.
Eat ice cream, if I'm lucky enough to have it.
More TV.
Mom goes to bed.
I turn off the TV.
I turn on Last.FM or iTunes if I don't feel adventurous.
I do more of the same stuff on the computer that I did at the beginning of my day.
Around midnight-ish I go to my room.
If I'm feeling cultural I read whatever book I'm currently checking out.
If not (which is usually the case) I watch a movie.
When the movies over, I close my computer and lay in bed.
Then I pick my computer back up and stay awake on it for another few hours.
I usually go to bed around 4:00 am.

Rinse, Repeat.

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