This fact is made personally evident in my library, in which I have more Beatles than any other artist, if only by 20 or so songs. Even though I am not a huge fan of their music I feel the need to have them in my library because they are important.
This just shows that the importance of the music makes people like me feel the need to like them, even if they don't (at least not a lot).
I went a 3 day download spree in which I downloaded as many Emo/Screamo (in the original sense) albums as I could:
American Football
Cap'n Jazz
Yaphet Kotto
City of Caterpillar
Ghosts & Vodka
The Promise Ring
Rites of Spring
Texas is the Reason
and of course
Sunny Day Real Estate.
Now, out of all those Artists and their various albums I spent 3 days finding, I actually only enjoy about 5 of them:
Sunny Day Real Estate
The Promise Ring
American Footbal
Cap'n Jazz
less than half...but I hate to delete the ones I don't like because they are at least semi-important, and I really want to fill my iPod.
Then of course there are important bands that I actually enjoy.
Zao pretty much invented modern metalcore, and while most serious music fans and 99% of music critics hate the genre, it is important to a lot of people.
Led Zeppelin, in my opinion, are the best band of all-time. They are not the most important of course, but they are infinitely better than the Beatles and I think that most people outside of rock critics and art school students would agree. They are important because they showed the world how a rock and roll band should act. They partied endlessly, got more girls than any 4 guys ever should, and embodied the soon to be required rock star attitude.
I honestly don't know what this blog is other than a personal pondering put to paper (see also: keyboard), see also: Palahniuk rip-off)
What are you opinions on the subject?
Why do you think that the importance of a band effects their likability?
Do you do the same thing I do?
Leave comments, let me know, I am genuinely interested.