Wednesday, December 24, 2008


As a Christian, I have my own idea about what Christmas is. Along with however many Christians there are, we know that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ.

That being said, I still enjoy getting presents. But as it turns out, I am not getting any presents this year. I asked for cash, but because T-Mobile screwed me royally my mom had to put $300 into my bank account to stop it from getting anymore charges, which had occurred to $289.17

So, I am not really expecting anything for me to open tomorrow except maybe some pistachios. And that's only because my sister asked my Mom what kind of nuts I liked, and my Mom asked me.

So instead of getting some green notes made from trees. I'm getting some green things that grow hanging off trees. I feel bad for being upset for not getting anything for Christmas, when there are people that can't eat daily. That all sounds really cliche, but it's true. My Mom gave me the gift of not having my bank account getting screwed anymore.

It's good for me, but I wish that I had something to open tomorrow other than some nuts.

So, because I'm a selfish American and I already have a pretty good life considering I have plenty of food to eat and a place to's my Christmas wish list:

-A new MacBook. Mine is nice, but those aluminum ones are just so pretty.
-A really enjoyable awesome job. Preferences include:
Apple, American Apparel, Urban Outfitters, Somewhere else that sells Apple stuff, Starbucks.
-Said job being in Portland, so I can live in my favorite city.
-A Vespa or some other type of cool scooter.
-iPod Touch (32 GB)
-iPhone (16 GB White)
-Photoshop CS4

So there. That's what I would be opening on Christmas Day.

Happy Birthday Jesus, Happy Field Day Commercialism.

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