Wednesday, December 24, 2008


As a Christian, I have my own idea about what Christmas is. Along with however many Christians there are, we know that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ.

That being said, I still enjoy getting presents. But as it turns out, I am not getting any presents this year. I asked for cash, but because T-Mobile screwed me royally my mom had to put $300 into my bank account to stop it from getting anymore charges, which had occurred to $289.17

So, I am not really expecting anything for me to open tomorrow except maybe some pistachios. And that's only because my sister asked my Mom what kind of nuts I liked, and my Mom asked me.

So instead of getting some green notes made from trees. I'm getting some green things that grow hanging off trees. I feel bad for being upset for not getting anything for Christmas, when there are people that can't eat daily. That all sounds really cliche, but it's true. My Mom gave me the gift of not having my bank account getting screwed anymore.

It's good for me, but I wish that I had something to open tomorrow other than some nuts.

So, because I'm a selfish American and I already have a pretty good life considering I have plenty of food to eat and a place to's my Christmas wish list:

-A new MacBook. Mine is nice, but those aluminum ones are just so pretty.
-A really enjoyable awesome job. Preferences include:
Apple, American Apparel, Urban Outfitters, Somewhere else that sells Apple stuff, Starbucks.
-Said job being in Portland, so I can live in my favorite city.
-A Vespa or some other type of cool scooter.
-iPod Touch (32 GB)
-iPhone (16 GB White)
-Photoshop CS4

So there. That's what I would be opening on Christmas Day.

Happy Birthday Jesus, Happy Field Day Commercialism.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

This might offend my 2 best friends if they read this

It is completely ridiculous to say that after only being together for roughly 6 months that you have been through a lot. What have you really gone through? A few fights, a few family squabbles, what else really? You might have spent a lot of nights together, presumably not sleeping...but that doesn't mean you know absolutely everything about each other.

If either of my friends read this, I'm truly sorry, but you're being silly. I know I am not the best person to be giving out "love life" advice. I put way to much thought and effort into a girl that more or less ignored me. She toyed with me and killed my spirit and I still chased after her. But I really think I did love her. I'm almost over her now, it has definitely subsided since I've left town.

And I'm not saying that you're not in love, that is very well possible. I believe that you can't tell someone that they're in love or not. But that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about the fact that you've been dating for less than a year, less than 3/4 of a year and you're acting like you've been married your whole life.

This is only bothering me because I feel history is repeating itself with one of my friends. I'm going to be the one that gets pushed aside for something that is perceived as a mature adult relationship. Just because you're 18 doesn't mean you're an adult. I am not an adult, legally yes, I am. But I am in no way mature enough.

I am the one who knows everything about you. I am the one who has been there for everything that has happened for years and years (and years and years in one case). Now, your significant others may know these things about you as well. But I was there when they happened, I was there to be the one that gave advice, I was there to help you through it, I was there when it was happening to us, I was there. I have always been there, these people have been there for you for a few months. And somehow they are more important than me.

Now...this situation would be different if you were in an actual mature relationship and you knew you were going to spend the rest of your life with this person. In that case I would understand and back off. It makes perfect sense, but this isn't that situation. These are people you were mere friends with (in 1 current case and 1 past case, you were introduced BY ME), and decided through a few flirts and touches to start dating...and immediately thought of as your soul mate that had been through so much and were gonna never break up. It's silly, it's immature, and I'm hurt that I'm so disposable.

I know this is slightly mean spirited, it's not supposed to be. I'm upset at something that happened a few days ago that I noticed today.

I am the person that always stays single.
I am the person that helps you through your tough time when they happen.
I am the one who is there for you when someone breaks your heart.
I am the one who is there to help you make fun of people.
I am the one who is there to hang out with you whenever you want.
I am the one who you've known 100x's longer.
I am your best friend.
And I am not disposable.
And I am sick of feeling disposable.

***EDIT*** I am not saying this is anyone's fault, I never meant for it to sound like that. These are just my feelings, I'm also not saying that YOUR relationships are immature, that part was about younger kids that are "in love" after being together 4 days.